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eAeB eCeD eEeF eGeH eIeJ eKeL eMeN eOeP eQeR eSeT eUeV eWeX eYeZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
ZOJIRUSHI +elephant & oval 11, 21
a des quality +elephant 21
agarwalla timbers +elephant 19
ai JUMBO +elephant 12
ambattur clothing +elephant 25, 35
asi +elephant 19
asian +elephant & ovals 11
asian chair +elephant 20
assam DELTA +elephant 19
assam gold JUMBO +elephant 30
bangalore gate +elephant 30
banglore gate +elephant 29
bharat SILKS +elephant 24
bunty +elephant & ball 28
cafe DE LYARA +elephant ova 30, 42
cartoon of elephant 30, 32, 43
crown elephant ribbon shiel 14
d DUOMO +elephant 18
elephant 30
face of elephant 16
foodman +elephant & oval 30
global +building & elephant 3
haathi chhap +elephant & ma 34
hathi +elephant & triangle 17
hathi brand +elephant 2
henna ELEPHAND +elephant 3
idrobase +elephant & drop 7
indian ELEPHANT +elephant 30
itc +elephant 23
kksr +elephant & circle 24
m MET +elephant 1
madurai APPU +elephant 42
men horse & elephant 18, 24
men women & elephant 5
modern salem +elephant 25
mother nature +sun elephant 25
mps LANCER +elephant & oval 11
mps lancer +elephant & oval 9
mysore +elephant & flowers 3
mysore DASARA +elephant 34
mysore sandalwood +elephant 3
national +elephant 6
new GOLD +elephant & oval 30
p ELEPHANT brand +elephant 30
pb BENTLEYS +elephant 30
pm +elephant & hexagon 29, 30
purasai KFJ +elephant circl 14
q QUALITEA GENEX +elephant 30
rasila STICK JO +elephant 30
rinka's CHATMOLA +elephant 30
royal +elephant & dog 34
sandal wood +elephant 3
shakthi +ribbon & elephant 30
shakthi pineapple +elephant 30
elephant 16
super APPU +elephant 3
super DHASARA KSR +elephant 34
thai express +elephant 42
the bombay store +elephant 35
tuff coat +elephant & circl 19
elephant 3
unjha +elephant 5
v.s. +cartoon of elephant 28
vs +elephant 30, 31
wood GUARD +elephant circle 19
wood luck +elephant 19
elephants 1, 9, 13, 14, 16, 17, 20, 25, 28, 30, 36, 37, 41
elephants & circles 13
elephants & fountain 32
elephants & logs 17
elephants & oval 30
elephants & ovals 25
elephants & pipes 17
elephants & tree 25
elephants & tub 5
elephants sun & face 16, 35
1331 +elephants 2
1857 SEPOY INDIA +elephants 18
elephants 43
A +elephants lions & deer 35
A +crown & elephants 33
AARAMBH +elephants 43
ADHISHAKTI +elephants flowe 19
AERAVATT +elephants triangl 34
AJ AVATHAR +elephants 14
AJAY TS +child & elephants 34
AMAR +elephants 6
AMBIKA +godess & elephants 34
AMITOTS AMITY'S +elephants 41
AMRIT super ts +elephants 34
AMUL +elephants 29
AROUND THE WORLD +elephants 12
ASHIKA SANDAL +elephants 3
BAKHTAWARMAL +elephants 2
BID & HAMMER +elephants 42
BLUE ELEPHANT +elephants 30
BOND POLY +elephants 23
BUILDING bonds +elephants 16
C.P. ZAVERI +elephants 14
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